Poppy Station Trainings and Workshops

The courses cover the following topics and each include a hands-on activity and a thematic challenge:
- Visual programming on the Thymio II robot. The challenge: “Autonomous Navigation”
- Visual programming on the Ergo Jr. robot The challenges: “Poppy makes her chameleon” and “The upheaval-all”
- Python programming on the Ergo Jr. robot The challenge: “The doll that does yes and no”
- Artificial intelligence by neural networks with Keras in Python. The challenge: “Can Poppy read the handwriting?”
In order to provide these trainings outside the association, Popy Station has mandated the trainers below to intervene on request.
Do you need practical workshop training? We operate on your premises according to your scheduling constraints, public, and provide the robotic equipment necessary to conduct the training. You can apply via the form at the bottom of the page.
Poppy Station Trainers
Yoan Mollard
Contractor Engineer
Yoan is a robotics research engineer at Bordeaux INP and an entrepreneur in digital art since 2018. He is in charge of Poppy Station training.
Thibault Desprez
Doctor of Educational Robotics
Thibault supported a thesis on the theme of Designing – evaluation of educational robotic kits in 2019. He is the editor of several Poppy Station activities and is involved in the Perseverons project using technology for school perseverance.
Alexandre Pere
Artificial Intelligence Research Engineer
Alexandre is a research engineer at Inria and handles different learning models on a daily basis to solve complex computer problems, including the dense and convolutionary neural networks that Poppy Station manipulates in its formations.
Etienne Schmitz
Student engineer
Etienne is in his second year of computer engineering school, participating in the Robocup SSL global robotics competition, and quickly became interested in digital mediation through robotics.
Ask for training or a workshop
- The topic or topics to be discussed
- The number of participants and their profile
- The place you want
- Robotic equipment available on site
- Computer equipment available on site